Office of Development
and External Relations
4183 Bell Engineering Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Photo Information
We create a video for Hall of Fame inductees using photos you submit. You can send us digital files (as large as possible) or mail originals (for pre-digital pictures, we prefer originals rather than scanned copies—we promise we’ll take good care of them and return them soon!).
These are the kinds of pictures we’re looking for:
- Pictures of you at work (at your desk or working with equipment)—the more of these you can send, the better
- Old pictures of your family and of you as a child
- Pictures from high school or college
- Different places you have lived
- Places you have worked
- Current pictures of you with your family
- Any picture that would illustrate something mentioned in the interview.
- Be sure and include a high-resolution portrait for the video and the program
Here is a video from a previous banquet.